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Call Your GirlFriend/Ana Laura Biques-MetroLyrics|Lyrics HD

Call your girlfriend
I think it's time you talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new

Tell her not to get obsessed, second-guessing everything you said and done
And then when she gets upset tell her how you never meant to hurt no one

Then tell her that the only way her heart will mend is when she learns to love again
And it won't make sense right now cause you're still her friend
And then you let her down easy

Call your girlfriend
I think it's time you talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault
But you just met somebody new

And tell her how I give you something that you never even knew you missed
Don't even try and explain how it's so different when we kiss

Andtell her that the only way her heart will mend is when she learns to love again
But it won't make sense right now cause you're still her friend
And then you let her down easy


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