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English videos

Here there is a list of English videos to choose.

  • The princess farmer (6:32) Can a princess ever become a farmer? Find out for yourself.
  • Way out of my league (18:44) This is A story of a young geek, who goes out of his ways to impress his "dream girl". Does he manage to get her?
  • How I meet your mother (22:00) American sitcom
  • The big bang theory (22:00) American sitcom
  • The butterfly circus (22:35) At the height of the Great Depression, the showman of a renowned circus discovers a man without limbs being exploited at a carnival sideshow, but after an intriguing encounter with the showman he becomes driven to hope against
  • Text Me (9:16) No subtitles. Falling for each other online, two teenagers finally meet in person for a date at what turns out to be a mob-owned Italian restaurant. Will their Internet love shatter or grow strong and rich like a tomato ragout?

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