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justin bieber y matt hunter ¿cual prefieres tu?

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YR8JorDxjv 14-11-2013 17:29

Thanks for the suggestions and for the kind words. I haven't done as much on the brcadoast media recently and I need to do something about that. The only time I see the Tri-State Business Journal is when I am at the library. it is pretty much out of my price range, but I will see what I can do.
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UsIN38ofkLMu 11-11-2013 09:28

I want let to call Myanmar country. Because mnyamar is including all races and bamar. Actually, I m bamar so burma is no problem for me. But i think burma is represent for the bama and mnyamar is represent for all races. This name is equal for all . This is my thinking. Was this answer helpful?
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73mqAeUROu81 06-11-2013 02:53

what is a 17 yo kid doing behind the wheel of a Ferrari anayyws?? I mean seriously I wonder where he will be in a couple of years with whatever he wants he gets where's the parental control? where's the values he's learning?huge tsk!
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ONy y emmy 28-07-2013 15:00

Son bonitos los dos pero nos gusta mas la foto de justin bieber
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